You are exploring a deep dungeon with 3 of your closest friends. Well, friends might be pushing it a bit. They are there to help you get stronger. So many monsters but only so much loot to go around. When it comes down to it, you know you are going to have to stab them in the back and come out on top. That is the concept behind Steve Jackson’s Munchkin. A parody take on Dungeons and Dragons in which four characters enter a dungeon in an effort to find treasure, such as the sing and dancing sword, to kill monsters, like the wannabe vampire, in an effort to be the first to reach character level 10 first. You are able to ask help from the others in your party but, be careful. They could use their own tricks on you to make you lose everything. And yes, this normally happens.
If this still interests you, well you are in luck. We are hosting a tournament with fabulous loot that you can take home with you. Where everyone is working from the same deck of cards, this is available to both newcomers as well as veteran dungeon delvers. The thing is, there is an additional rule that we will be using. If you have played the Munchkin game in the past, you will know of the two main phases. Kicking down the door and looting the room. But, in an tournament setting, there is a phase before kicking down the door. Listening at the door. “At the start of your turn, draw a face-down Door card, which you may play or not. If you Loot the Room, draw a face-down treasure, not a door.”
In addition, we will also be operating under the “Plus-One” rule set in regards to promotional items. This rule is to insure that no player has a huge advantage over another player in regards to the use of bookmarks, promotional cards, T-Shirts, etc. And when we say etc, long time players will know that pretty much any munchkin product that is not a game has an effect on the game. The “Plus-One” rule is, as stated: “Players must reveal all promotional items at the start of the game. Players are limited to a total number of items equal to the least held number at their table, plus one.” The exceptions to this rule is: The official smartphone Munchkin Level Counter, a Single Munchkin Sherpa or Munchkin Zombies Sherpa and a championship certificate signed by Steve Jackson or Andrew Hackard, embossed with the SJ Games log are ALWAYS allowed and, the Official Munchkin Cthulhu Bookmark of Udder Ridiculousness is NEVER allowed.