Returning May 31 - June 2, 2024!

About Y-Con

Malcolm Seaboyer, President

Malcolm Seaboyer

President, Marketing/Social Media

The tallest towering member of the Y-Con team at 6' 6", Malcolm is excited about working on the Y-Con team and bringing the "geeky" community of Yarmouth and beyond alive!

Originally growing up in Jordan Falls, NS, Malcolm is the brother of the talented Cassie Seaboyer of CasSea Creations & Cosplay (@cassea64 on instagram). The two of them grew up playing lego, playing hours upon hours of Pokemon, watching Star Wars and having epic games of monopoly.

Malcolm has now moved to Yarmouth and received two diplomas through the NSCC - Information Technology and Business Admin, Marketing. He's an avid traveler, die-hard Formula 1 fan and big time video and board gamer among many hobbies. You may even catch him out and about doing amateur photography, which you can follow along @mjs4320 on instagram.

Kellie Ann Perry

Vice President & Art Director/Design

A super fan of 80’s/90’s cartoons, voice actors, comic books and gaming, this Prince Edward Island-born gal loves all things joyful, creative and fun!

Kellie Ann collects most things World of Warcraft, and as an avid fan, has most of the Collectors Edition, comics and books. She’s also slightly crazy about Halloween and all of the things creative and creepy that goes with it. A creative soul to the very core, she’s a seamstress in her own right, making all of her own costumes, has a love of cooking/baking crazy creations including cakes and things like Wookie-Cookies.

A Shorkie-Mom with her trusty side-kick Luna at her side she's always super-social with a love for helping out; nerds and non-nerds alike. She's excited to be in the new venue this year, and can't wait to see how amazing Y-Con 2024 will be!

Judi Rozee


Judi is a beloved and integral part of the Y-Con team. With her passion for games and keen attention to detail, she ensures that our events are exceptional experiences for our attendees while staying within budget. Beyond her professional achievements, Judi is also a dedicated fur parent to her adorable kitties, who bring joy to her life.

Natasha Yorke-Phillip

Volunteer Coordinator & Community Engagement Coordinator

Bookended between the introduction of Hello Kitty to North America and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was the birth of Natasha, a new member to the Y-Con Exec. Natasha is a proud Cape Bretoner that has been Nerd-adjacent her whole life. From playing Axis and Allies, D&D, to acting as ‘Steve’ from the original mini series ‘V’ in a St. Joseph’s Elementary School independent play, all things Geek have a special place in the person Natasha has become.

Working as a school-based psychologist in the Tri County Regional Centre for Education for the past 20 years has afforded Natasha countless opportunities to connect with and highlight the amazing qualities of the young nerds and geeks of our area!

Natasha (along with her main squeeze Dave) has been fostering the wonderful world of all things Geek for her three children! When she needs to disconnect from the human world, Natasha is often surrounded by her small (and growing) herd of animals both in reality and in bit-form.

Natasha Yorke-Phillip, Volunteer Coordinator

Kayla Fells, Events Coordinator / Cosplay

Kayla Fells

Events Coordinator / Cosplay

Kayla is a board member of the Y-Con Science Fiction Association; a not for profit organization to bring you the amazing event that is the Y-Con Gaming and Comics Convention.

Kayla was born and raised in the scenic seaport of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Kayla is an energetic lady that has been working in the public and volunteering from a very young age. A pageant queen and huge fan of tabletop games anime and cosplay. She had been known to perform with the team in the comedy podcast Geeks versus Nerds produced in Halifax. A social butterfly; she is always interested to talk about your passions and geekerys. She is more than excited to help get all things geek, nerd, sci-fi, and pop culture a place to be expressed in Yarmouth with the team for Y-Con.

Matthew Hiltz

Gaming Coordinator / Gaming Library Curator

Born and raised in Yarmouth, Matthew has worked in the public for several years and has used board games as a way of making connections and building social skills with youth. Having been a lifetime board gaming enthusiast (he grew up always playing games with his big family), semi-decent miniature painter and part-time forever DM, he's always looking for groups to play games. Un-played games are a board gamers shelf of shame and he does his very best to get them played. Matthew primarily enjoys cooperative games with a strong narrative element, but get him in a competitive game and he will usually play to win with some deceptive strategy that he has tried to hide for a late reveal. His friends often target him in new games because of previous plays — calling it accumulative aggro.

All time Favourite Boardgame:
Battlestar Galactica

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Vendor Coordinator & Sponsorship Co-Coordinator

Never having been told that when he reached adulthood that he would also have to grow up, Dean has maintained his child-like love and excitement for gaming, comic books, model building, and other geeky pastimes. With a game collection he proudly displays in his newly designated ‘Games Zone’ in the basement of his home and a collection of models in various states of being completed, it’s safe to say that he is fully ensconced in his nerdy pursuits for years to come. Hailing originally from Montreal, PQ, and moving to the Maritimes as a child Dean has spent most of his life in Nova Scotia until his work sent him to the far flung sub-arctic of northern Manitoba for the past ten years. Now, having returned to Nova Scotia and settling in Yarmouth, he thought it would be nice to ease into the gaming community by joining a group of wonderful and talented people to create Y-Con. Because, why not? Also, you can’t tell from looking at him, but Dean can run really, really fast. Say hi to Dean and his lovely wife Michelle and their children Lily, Hannah, and Connor as they will certainly be at Y-Con enjoying this nerdy way of life they have chosen!

Nick Doucet

Tech & Video Game Coordinator

Nick is a technical whiz whose daytime superhero identity is the Office Manager at the Mariners Centre. With a sharp eye for detail and a knack for solving complex tech challenges, Nick plays a pivotal role in ensuring our Video Game section works as flawlessly as possible. His ability to swiftly troubleshoot issues and keep all systems running optimally makes him an indispensable part of the team. Nick actively contributes his expertise to other local gaming events, where he helps bring these gaming experiences to life. Whether he's fine-tuning setups or managing technical aspects, Nick's dedication and resourcefulness consistently helps us elevate our event.

Mission Statement

Y-con is a non-profit organization which aims to support the gaming community, game developers and stores by providing demonstration services for board, card, role-playing and miniature games. It’s an all-ages event and we make every effort to provide games that are appropriate for younger gamers. As proud members of our community, we are pleased to support worthwhile charities in Yarmouth and the surrounding area.

Each year, a portion of the proceeds from our auction are donated to a local charity.